Always Cap Your PilingDocks and bulkheads are great investments for your property. You can moor your boat up to them, go fishing off them, and help with loss of property when it comes to erosion. So you spend some good money getting these items built all made with the finest materials, but then you don't get your pilings caped. You may ask, what's the big deal? Well caping piling increases the life of the pole it will also increase the life of your dock and your bulkhead. Without the piling you will lose your dock and bulkhead and in the future have to replace all of it sooner than you thought all because you decided not to cap the piling. Piling tend to rot from the inside out, and the biggest way this happens is from the top of the pole where it's not caped. Water from rain or salty air over time seep down through the top of the pole and will deteriorate the wood from the inside first. This is because the treated lumber is always most vulnerable from the inside that's because the chemical has the hardest time permeating to the center of the piling. If you ever have to cut one of these piling in half you can see where the treated chemical did not reach, and it is dead smack in the center. The good news is there is many ways to cap your piling that will prolong the life of your dock and bulkhead and I will go over the types that we have used in the past.
i'm thinking we should blog about boating rules and helpful tips on boating in the bay.
Just Rite Marine Inc. builds the best when it comes to marine construction. We do vinyl bulkheads, rip rap stonework, repair and build docks and piers and offer other services as well! We are fully licensed and insured and experts in what we do and have provided our services to the lovely residents of Ocean Pines and Ocean City MD for over 20 years. Please feel free to call or email anytime to get your free quote.
Hi again folks just wanted to write a quick blog about a tour boat business in Ocean City. Its called OC Swim Call and is a lot of fun for the whole family. I recommend it to anybody that wants to have a adventure on the water. For more information just click "Ocean City Maryland Tour Boat." Have a excellent day.
Ok folks we are all excited that we are now down hill from winter and headed for spring and we are all itching to get back to the water. I know a lot of you out there are heading to the 2016 Boat show and ready to make that wonderful decision to buy the boat of your dreams, but you should really think about some things first. Besides the obvious cost of buying a boat, you might want to consider where will you keep your boat when your done using her? Do you have a dock to moor her up, and/or a boat lift ready? If you don't then you will be stowing your boat on our property for some time because these things can take awhile to get built. Permits can take awhile to get completed so I would recommend starting the process now to get the ball rolling. Also if you have a old dock, or boat lift, then you might want to get it repaired first, All it takes is for a strong storm to turn your dock to a dilapidated wood pile and what ever was attached to it will be severely damaged or lost. Remember a boat isn't much fun if you are always worrying if her moorings are not structurally sound or you don't have a place to keep her. Very Respectfully, Mike |
March 2019
MikeOver 20 years of Marine Construction experience. Services customers all over Delmarva. Categories